Monday, January 1, 2024

Author Visit Holiday Fun!

Visiting with Mrs. P's Second Graders was a highlight of the holiday season for me! We discussed where authors get their ideas, "small moments" that inspire writing, and how all of us have stories to tell. We also read the first chapter of Calvin the Cookie Maker. Calvin is no longer print, but it was delightful to revisit this story. The second graders connected with the themes and descriptions. Author visits are one of my favorite parts of being an author!

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Anything But Graceful: A Second Chance Romance by D.G. Driver


Anything But Graceful: A Second Chance Romance Novel by D.G. Driver

As a woman of a certain age, this novel was a delightful surprise. Grace Fuller has deferred her dreams of becoming an actor and a dancer. Life got in way. She works as a realtor while continuing to hone her craft as a dancer. She dances because it is necessary to her soul. The thing is she has continued to grow as an artist at an age when most other dancers are burned out or over the hill. An old flame enters the scene. Tyler represents all the dreams that Grace gave up when she lacked the confidence in herself to pursue her passions. The mature Grace is not blinded to Tyler’s faults. She is a woman who goes after what she wants, including a smoking hot choreographer/dance instructor with whom she has a steamy interlude.

Grace is inspirational, a reminder that as more mature women we can still pursue dream and ambitions which may not have been available to us earlier in our lives. This story is vulnerable and sexy and brings the world of acting and dancing vividly to life. In sum, Anything But Graceful is a sophisticated delight.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Book Review: Dragon Surf by D.G. Driver with Jeni Bautista Richard


Eric Long wants to learn to surf, like his surfing champion father. For his fifteenth birthday, Eric is given a surfboard, his heart’s desire, but painted with a yellow serpent dragon by his artist mother. Eric wants nothing to do with the dragons and dragon symbolism that art part of his heritage as a Chinese American and the son of a dragon artist. While attending a surf competition with his dad, Eric is haunted by dreams of a golden, protective dragon who may be connected to his ancestors. I especially enjoyed the juxtaposition of Eric and his father on their surfing trip with the stories of his immigrant family all woven together through the dragon, Baidu. The setting of the surfing life was flavorful and fun. This is a delightful, fast-paced read!