Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Review of Songwriter Showcase


Songwriter ShowcaseSongwriter Showcase by D.G. Driver
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

“What love feels like”

This is the charming but real sequel to Songwriter Night by D. G. Driver. The novella recounts the trials and tribulations of two couples, Lyle and Trish, and Odette and Neil, as they compete in a talent competition. In “Songwriter Night,” Lyle and Trish seemed made for each other. He brought charm, good lucks, and more knowledge of the music industry to the relationship. In contrast, the lovely Trish is inexperienced, new to this entire world. But on the night of the competition, it is Trish that catches the judges’ eyes, among whom is Aiden Bronson. Lyle is both jealous and contemptuous of Aiden, a former friend. There is a conflicted honesty to Lyle’s reaction to Trish’s success. He is threatened. He loves Trish and wants her to do well, but he also doesn’t want to lose her.

We see more of Odette’s and Neil’s relationship in this story. She is a woman who has a history. Any man who wants to be with her needs to accept the past that has shaped her. Neil is younger and less mature than Odette. He is frustrated by her lack of openness with him. She can’t expect him to understand her decisions if she doesn’t share her reasoning and experiences with him.
The power of this novella lies in the appeal of the characters. I found myself genuinely rooting for them, wanting them to succeed and get past the obstacles that life is putting in their way. The twists of the plot are often unexpected and there is a thread of humor throughout. I find myself wanting to know what happens next. Does Lyle finally break through in the music industry? Does Aiden make a play for Trish? Can Odette let Neil be a part of her life?

View all my reviews

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