Thursday, May 19, 2022

Writing "The End"

There is a thrill that comes with typing those two words. For me, it means I will be going back and revising a completed manuscript at least two or three times. My writing process is more of a chaotic discipline. I have started writing outlines and character sketches before I start to write. Doing so helps keep me on track. But then I just sit and write, any rubbish that comes to mind. After completing about 70,000 words of this, I know what the story is about and I can begin to craft and shape it. It's a messy approach, but it works for me. I just completed a novel entitled My Golden Horse and submitted it to my publisher. It is the second story in a horse trilogy. In it, as in A Horse Named Viking, the horse who inspired the book is real but the story is fiction. My editor has it now. No one else has read it to this point. It's different from my other books in that I put more vignettes from my own life in it. I wonder what people will think of it? Will they like the story? It's scary and exciting. I need to take a writing break and think about the third horse story for the trilogy. I'm thinking it will be named Dancing Horse. For now though, I will work on the business of writing for a bit, submit other completed works, engage in social media. This book is done and now set free into the world!

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